Funding Local Causes

Hertfordshire Matters

Our Needs Analysis for Hertfordshire communities

Hertfordshire Matters is our needs analysis that indicates the health and vitality of the county across broad themes and helps to identify significant trends and issues that are affecting our communities.

In addition to the in-depth Hertfordshire Matters Report, we also produce annual themed interim reports as part of our commitment to understanding the needs, challenges and opportunities in our county.

On Tuesday 23 June 2020 we published out latest Hertfordshire Matters Report which draws together the latest indices of multiple deprivation data and focuses on eight key themes including deprivation, health, homelessness and crime helping identify the key social issues facing local residents. You can download either the full research report or our highlights report below.
The research is helping us to:

  • Identify priorities for grant making

  • Inform our donors and inspire local philanthropy

  • It is also a useful tool for groups making evidenced-based funding applications.

2020 Hertfordshire Matters - Highlights Report

Our highlights report gives you a overview of some of the most salient data from the full report and highlights a number of trends and statistics. For a deeper dive into the research have a look at the full report.

2020 Hertfordshire Matters - Full Report

Drawing on the latest indices of multiple deprivation data this is the full research data for Hertfordshire Matters 2020.

Strong Communities Report

Published in 2017 this was our first interim report. It contains data, feedback from our communities, links to further information and snapshots of some of our activities which are helping to improve community cohesion in Hertfordshire.

Learning Disabilities Report

Published in June 2018 this report looks at the needs of those with learning disabilities in the county, and how HCF can best support the groups who help to meet them.

2016 Hertfordshire Matters - Full report

Produced in collaboration with the University of Hertfordshire and the Hertfordshire County Council Community Information and Intelligence Unit, this full report is over 100 pages long.

2016 Hertfordshire Matters - Highlights report

This highlights report gives a brief overview of the full report's findings in an easy to digest format.

Results of the Hertfordshire Matters survey - 2016

In addition to the desktop research undertaken in 2016, a community survey was used to underpin the report's findings.

Public Health Profiles

Keep up to date with public health 'snapshots' in your area, updated each year with key statistics

Recording of Hertfordshire Matters online launch

On 23 June 2020 we launched our latest needs analysis report at a virtual event. If you missed it you can watch the presentation here.

"We are very impressed by the Hertfordshire Matters report HCF commissioned. We plan to use this as a means of targeting men at risk in the most deprived areas of our County, as they are the most at risk."
John Hughs, Samaritans at Ware

Catch up with our latest news

Community Safety Fund: Grants to make Hertfordshire a safer place to live.
We are delighted to work in partnership with the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Hertfordshire to provide grants of up to £6,000 to support initiatives that help reduce crime and create safer communities across the county. .
Christmas Tree Sales Raise Over £2,900 for Hertfordshire Winter Appeal
We are delighted to announce that we have received an incredibly generous donation of £2,903. 68, thanks to the organisers behind the recent charity Christmas tree sale at Sacombe Green.
Winter Appeal to support vulnerable residents
As temperatures begin to drop, Hertfordshire Community Foundation (HCF) has launched its annual Winter Appeal to provide critical support to the county's most vulnerable residents. .
Our latest Annual Review : A year of impact
We’re excited to share our latest Annual Review, showcasing the incredible work made possible by our generous supporters. .