Funding Local Causes

St Albans Care Leavers Fund - grants of up to £500 are available for individuals aged 16-25 who have previously been in care in St Albans.

Open with decisions made on a rolling basis

Care Leavers Grants in the region of £500 are available for individuals aged 16-25 who have previously been in care in St Albans, Hertfordshire.

Applications should come from someone who supports the young person in a professional capacity, for example a Personal Advisor, social worker, or someone who works for a college or university. Grants will be made to the support worker, usually in the form of vouchers, and we expect the support worker to provide evidence of how they were spent (i.e. a receipt).

What will we fund?

We will fund anything which will improve the quality of a young person’s life. This includes but is not limited to:

  • household items such as furniture and white goods
  • equipment for education, employment or training such as a computer
  • funding for non-higher education learning such as driving lessons
  • things that improve health and wellbeing like gym membership or a bicycle

    The fund is not restricted to essentials, but you must be able to explain briefly why this item will improve the young person’s quality of life.

    What can't be funded?

  • Mobile phones or phone bills
  • Other bills or arrears

    Please see full guidance notes (attached to the bottom of this page) for full information on the fund, prior to making an application
  • How to make an application

    Grant applications must be made by a someone who is supporting the care leaver in a professional capacity and is qualified to assess their needs.

    Please read the full guidelines below before making an application. Please note, for data protection and security purposes we are no longer able to accept paper applications. If you require any assistance in completing the application form please contact us at


    Care Leavers Guidance Notes Jan 23
    Criteria for St Albans Care Leavers Fund - updated January 2023

    I work with young people leaving care in Hertfordshire and found Hertfordshire Community Foundation's service exceptional. I successfully applied for and received a grant for a young care leaver whom just received their first social housing flat and had no money to purchase their white goods.This service is invaluable to the young people it can and does assists. Giving a positive start to new beginnings and, or assisting them in a time of need. Thank you.

    HCC, Childrens Services, Leaving Care Personal Housing Adviser

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