Funding Local Causes

Primaria din Hertfordshire ofera acum sprijin ,voluntarilor si personalului de a studia limba Engleza ca o adoua limba .Daca doriti sa discutati despre acest proiect si oportunitatile acestuia si cum sa aplicati pentru a solicita finantare va rugam sa contactati pentru a stabili o intilnire in limba Romana .
Sau in urmatoarele limbi ce urmeaza Romana ,Croata ,Poloneza ,Italiana ,Urdu, Bengala.

Catch up with our latest news

Community Safety Fund: Grants to make Hertfordshire a safer place to live.
We are delighted to work in partnership with the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Hertfordshire to provide grants of up to £6,000 to support initiatives that help reduce crime and create safer communities across the county. .
Christmas Tree Sales Raise Over £2,900 for Hertfordshire Winter Appeal
We are delighted to announce that we have received an incredibly generous donation of £2,903. 68, thanks to the organisers behind the recent charity Christmas tree sale at Sacombe Green.
Winter Appeal to support vulnerable residents
As temperatures begin to drop, Hertfordshire Community Foundation (HCF) has launched its annual Winter Appeal to provide critical support to the county's most vulnerable residents. .
Our latest Annual Review : A year of impact
We’re excited to share our latest Annual Review, showcasing the incredible work made possible by our generous supporters. .