Supported by Hertfordshire County Council and coordinated by Herts Sports Partnership, Hertfordshire Community Foundation undertakes the application process to fund the delivery of enriching and fun holiday activities including physical activities and food for children eligible for benefits related free school meals.
Important Information: As we await the announcement from the Department of Education for the continuation of the Holiday Activity and Food Programme (known locally as HAPpy), this position statement clarifies Hertfordshire County Councils intentions regarding the contract for the delivery of the HAPpy programme.
It is the intention of Hertfordshire County Council to utilise the services of Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership and Hertfordshire Community Foundation to continue to deliver the HAPpy programme for the 2025 delivery period, within the terms of the current contract.
To allow for the continuity of delivery it is necessary to start the application process for the Spring 25 delivery before we have confirmation of the funding allocated.
It should be made clear that the delivery of the Spring 2025 programme is subject to the continuation of the programme and funding from the Department of Education, Hertfordshire County Council does not have the resources to fund this programme without central government funding, should the funding not be announced then our position will revert to the programme ending in January as the original contract states. In this case, there will be no recourse to fund any work undertaken on the 2025 programme, from our contracted delivery partners or any camp providers applying to run Spring Camps.
As soon as we have the announcement from the Department of Education, we will share this with you.
Is my organisation eligible to apply for the HAPpy programme?In order be be funded to deliver a HAPpy camp you need to be able to answer 'yes' to the following questions.
Please use the guidance notes to help you check you can do this before you submit your application:
Did you deliver HAPpy during at least one delivery phase in 2024?
Can you safely provide a fun and engaging holiday camp with hot food, an hour of physical activity and enrichment activties?
Does your organisation have relevant experience of delivering similar activities in Hertfordshire?
Does your organisation pass our standard due diligence?
Can you deliver in the areas where there is demand for spaces?
Can you deliver your activities with a budget of £30 per child, per day, or £70 per child per day for SEN camps?
If you are offered a grant can you ensure all the staff you need for the activities have undertaken mandatory training (provided free by the programme) and you have submitted training records demonstration this by the pre delivery deadline?
If you are offered a grant can you commit to learning how to use the Playwaze booking platform (training given) and make sure you use it to advertise your places and update your daily register?
Spring deliveryPlease ensure you have read the statement above about the continuation of HAPpy in 2025.
Providers who delivered HAPpy during 2024 will have received an email with details about how to apply for Spring 2025 delivery.