Funding Local Causes

High Sheriff of Hertfordshire Awards 2024/25

Awards for groups using the power of sport and physical activity to benefit local communities.

We are delighted to announce that applications for the Hertfordshire High Sheriff Awards are open. These annual Awards provide an opportunity to recognise and celebrate fantastic work and initiatives that voluntary organisations carry out, which enable Hertfordshire to be a better place to live.

The current High Sherrif, Annie Brewster JP, has chosen a theme of ‘Sport for Good’ and charities/groups are invited to apply who use the power of sport and physical activity to drive social change, and positively impact mental wellbeing, community cohesion, education and other social issues.

Nominations are welcome for organisations/projects that use sport or physical activity to achieve the following outcomes:

  • Increased social inclusion

  • Improved educational attainment

  • Crime reduction

  • Improved community cohesion

  • Improved health and wellbeing

Click here to view a short video from Annie Brewster introducing the awards.
Eligibility Criteria

  • Eligible groups will be charities, community and voluntary groups, CICs limited by guarantee and other not for profit organisations who:

  • Are based in Hertfordshire, or can show specifically how people in Hertfordshire benefit from their activities

  • Have a written constitution or set of rules

  • Are governed by a board of trustees/directors/management committee with a least 3 members (two of whom are unrelated)


  • Nominations open – Monday 9th September 2024

  • Deadline for nominations – Friday 4th October 2024 at 5pm

  • Shortlisting and visits - November 2024 to January 2025

  • Awards evening – Thursday 27th March 2025

To complete a nomination form please click here

National Crimebeat Awards

We are also looking for nominations of innovative and successful crime prevention projects carried out by young people for a National Crimebeat Award. Projects must prevent/reduce crime or anti-social behaviour or assist victims of crime and be delivered by young people, aged 25 and under, and involve them in the management. More information about the Awards can be found at National Crimebeat – The Youth Crime Prevention Charity of the High Sheriffs’ Association of England & Wales (

If succesful in being put forward to represent Hertfordshire, groups will be considered by the High Sheriffs’ Association panel. Winners will be announced at the National Crimebeat Awards evening, held in London, on Tuesday 18th March 2025.

Time commitment for shortlisted groups

If you are shortlisted for a High Sheriff Award you may be asked to receive a visit from some of the panel members to show them your work. This would be between November 2024 and January 2025. You will also be asked to provide some information about your organisation for the awards ceremony presentation, which normally includes a short-written description, some images and video clips, which we will edit. You will be expected to attend an awards ceremony on Thursday 27th March 2025, further details of which will be shared closer to the time.

Further information

For further information, or if you have any questions about the awards, please contact Sarah Greene on or call 01707 280 346.

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