Funding Local Causes

Complete the HCF Environmental Sustainability Survey

Ensuring a resilient future for Hertfordshire charities in the face of climate change

In light of the disproportionate impact of climate change on vulnerable communities, it is crucial for charities to build resilience for an uncertain future. At Hertfordshire Community Foundation, we're planning a comprehensive support programme to empower local charities to improve their sustainability.
As part of our planning we want to know more about environmental sustainability at local charities and voluntary groups. We are inviting responses to our survey to help us develop tailored resources and initiatives to enhance the sustainability of voluntary, community and social enterprise groups in Hertfordshire.

We encourage anyone involved in a Hertfordshire voluntary, community, and social enterprise organisation to take part in this survey. Contributions will shape the future of our collective efforts in creating a sustainable and resilient charitable sector.

Survey Details:
Open for Responses Until: Friday, 29th March
Time Required: Approximately 10 minutes


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